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Did you know that 98% of all humans are born creative geniuses?  Carl Nordgren, a serial entrepreneur who taught creativity and entrepreneurship at Duke University for 14 years teaches you how to reignite your creative birthright.

Get it on Amazon

Unlock Your Creative Genius.

Join me at one of my events for an intensive on unlocking your creativity. Whether it’s in-depth courses, or free public seminars, I look forward to helping you reach your entrepreneurial goals with your full Creative Toolbox.

There are no upcoming events at this time.

Creative Genius Blog

My latest thoughts on Creativity and Entrepreneurship.

Latest Appearance


Carl sits down with the Creative Allies podcast to discuss our inherent creative genius.  Listen to both parts below!

Part 1 | Part 2

What’s with the Green?

Research from the University of Rochester and the University of Munich shows that staring at the color green for just 30 seconds can improve your creativity – just browsing this site is potentially making you more creative!

Download your free Green Card PDF by clicking here!


About Carl

Carl Nordgren was born in Greenville, Mississippi where his great grandmother’s house was across the street from the boyhood home of author Walker Percy. Carl has worked as a fishing guide on the English River in Northwestern Ontario and on the White River in the Arkansas Ozarks, as a bartender, a foundry man, and an entrepreneur. He lived with his family in Ireland for a year where he researched the IRA, and for 14 years he taught courses in Creativity and Entrepreneurship at Duke University. He graduated from Knox College and lives in Durham, North Carolina with his wife Marie where they have raised three daughters.

photo by Jessica Arden
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