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What’s your favorite creativity lesson that you learned from nature?

What’s your favorite creativity lesson that you learned from nature?

The natural forces of healthy and sustainable growth are on display all around us—in forests and fields, in barnyards and backyards. I am just starting a second book on creativity titled Becoming a Creative Genius (naturally).  It follows my first, Becoming a Creative Genius (again), overlapping the first and extending it as good creative growth is wont to do. The book will present generative concepts and creative and entrepreneurial strategies that I first discovered while observing and participating in natural forces of growth and basic human nature shaped by those forces; the concepts and strategies were then refined as I applied them over a series of start-ups and other creative work; and they weren’t fully understood until I shared these concepts with 3,250 Duke University undergrads over a 14 year period of focused development and delivery.

My natural discoveries occurred while I was a fishing guide in Canada and Arkansas during my high school and college years and during a long life lived wondering while wandering in the woods; then I wasn’t studying the complex lessons of nature as much as I was getting used to them. Managing barnyards and domesticating animals and caring for dogs also reveal creative and entrepreneurial strategies that are fundamentally sound and authentic. And the human nature of raising a family offers some of the most intense creative and entrepreneurial lessons.

So, do you have a favorite creative lesson or entrepreneurial strategy that has served you in your life somehow that is rooted in nature’s powerful playbook for growth? Want to share it with us here?

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