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Remember your natural born Creative Genius, part 1

Remember your natural born Creative Genius, part 1

And please remember this always: When we were four 98% of us scored as creative genius on an assessment NASA had developed to identify the most innovative scientists and engineers.  http://creativegenius.carlnordgren.com/research/

Once upon a time, when we were four, we had a bias for action. Our bias for action was so powerful teachers and parents would often tell us to stop, to please stop, and sit still or come to the table or go to bed.

Our bias for action was informed by our knowing—without knowing we knew?—that it was through our bias for action that we learned the most important stuff we had to learn.

When we faced a new challenge or opportunity we didn’t stand there and figure out the best approach to take. We didn’t wait until we came up with a plan of mastery. No, we stepped forward and we got used to the challenge when we pushed, we pulled, we turned, we shifted, we cranked and we cranked again, so we could discover faster what this was and so we could learn better what we could do with it.

As adults we often have to remind ourselves of the benefits of a bias for action when taking on a new opportunity, using language like failing fast, failing often, failing cheap.

Failing fast carries two important reminders of what we naturally know: get started, and find quick cycles to explore and test.

Failing often is crucial: if you want a great idea, says two-time Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling, have lots of ideas.

Fail cheap: look to leverage others and to be leveraged by others, and be opportunistic.

If you are in the RTP area please join me at a free creativity workshop on June 13th. We’ll explore other ways that our native creative genius can serve us today. The details are  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/becoming-a-creative-genius-again-free-workshop-tickets-34104731169

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